And it's a services that can be used on any platform as proven by the fact that we can now download Facebook for PC. More than 10 years after, Facebook has become the most popular social network in the world, way ahead of any other one, with more than 1.7 billion users and expecting to reach 2 billion in a short period of time.

Download the free Spektro PS-8 sequencer.If there's a social network par excellence, that's definitely the one created by Mark Zuckerberg around 2004 and initially conceived for Harvard University students. Push’s pads are used to control note on/off, loop start, shuffle amount, gate length, loop direction and provide visual feedback. Inspired by classic analog hardware such as the Korg SQ-10 and Moog 960 Sequential Controller, Icaro Ferre’s Spektro PS-8 is an easy-to-use, performance-oriented sequencer that utilizes Push’s encoders to change the pitch and velocity of its eight steps. We’ve already covered the video game-inspired Push Pong sequencer and the impressively expressive Aftertouch Mapper, now here are three more great free Push-centric Max for Live devices. Since the release of Push, quite a few interesting and unusual devices have appeared which utilize Max for Live to expand the hardware’s range of functions.

Whether it’s James Holden’s Group Humanizer – a device with potentially very broad appeal – or something at the more specialized end of the spectrum such as the Muse Port interface (brainwave control of Live, anyone?), we’re constantly impressed by the incredible creativity people put into Max for Live devices.