Although the MSFS 2020 ATC can still give terrible experiences so MSFS 2020 is not that much better, it still sounds nice to the ears. The ATC in X-Plane 12 is still terrible at best, MSFS 2020 ATC is by far much more enjoyable to use, maybe because the voices don't sound like they are from 1998. This is very annoying when practicing landings. The plane seems to fly but the switches are all in the wrong states.

When setting up a 3 NM or 10 NM landing approach flight configuration, the plane configuration is not setup correctly in the cockpit. I get crashes when using ATC to practice IFR flights.

I still get regular crashes using the "Replay Mode" to replay my landings in the Beechcraft Baron 58, and possibly other planes. Active runways and winds are always different then what you can get from Google, so if you plan flights using 3rd party METAR and SkyVector the flight will be different in X-Plane 12. X-Plane 12 weather and lighting has been improved but the METAR you get from the X-Plane 12 simulator doesn't match that in real life like it does in MSFS 2020. I will be comparing this product with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 because they are the same price. I was a big fan of X-Plane 11 so I waited until "full release" and bought X-Plane 12. Right now I'm not convinced that they have the ability to innovate in this domain. I still give a positive review in hopes that they truly make the flight simulator "more advanced and more accurate". Laminar Research really shot themselves in the foot with this release. The Cessna Citation-X in X-Plane 12 is very detailed and since you can spend $60 on a detailed 3rd party aircraft for MSFS 2020, why not just get X-Plane 12 for the same price? You get other planes and the X-Plane 12 flight dynamics allows modelling many failure modes not present in MSFS 2020. If you want a better X-Plane 11 get X-Plane 12, if you want a more advanced flight simulator look at MSFS 2024 coming next year.