RetroArch supports all platforms easily, enabling users to enjoy SNES games on a variety of various devices. SNES is one of the classic emulators since the '90s and still everyone's favorite. You need to download and install this emulator on your device. The emulator you must use to play this type of ROM game is Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Also, there is a chance of reducing the Hit Points of the player when he or she blows to the enemy. In the battle, the characters and enemies possess a specific amount of Hit Points (HP). The screen automatically changes into a battle mode when a character and enemy befalls physical contact.

The player gets experience points by defeating enemies and gaining victories. The two-dimensional world where the player travels consists of cities, dungeons, villages, and caves. The player travels around the world to collect melodies from eight Sanctuaries to conquer the universal cosmic destroyer Giygas, also known as Giegue or Gyiyg. The game revolves around Ness and his party of four, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. The game comes under the second entry in the Mother series, which was first released in 1994.

for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. EarthBound is a role-playing video game which is developed by Hal Laboratory and Ape Inc.